L’école du micro expëriences

L’école de micro expériences

Three hours and twenty minutes, that is how long it takes to go from Cambridge to Oxford. A bustrip I make twice a week. It is not that bad as you may think it is. Oké, the bus stops every five minutes and you need a strong stomach to survive. But there is a wifi connection, some music on the ipad and three hours to think and reflect. One of my favorite Cambridge-Oxford busalbums is, l’école du micro d’argent. This is a classic French hiphop record by IAM. Inspired by IAM I came up with the title for my blog, l’école du micro expériences. Based on the philosophy that we learn by (micro) experiences, reflection and renewed experiences. By sharing my experiences as Sport for Development officer at NSA-International and intern at InsightShare I will in first instance force myself to reflect on what I do and learn from it. And maybe, as a bonus, some of the blog followers will also get something out of it.